Iron History
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05/27/2010 Entry: "5/28/2010: No Need To Fear: ( it's only the truth) by Joe Roark"
No Need To Fear: ( it's only the truth) by Joe Roark
Many years ago it appeared that in the history of the iron game at that time there was an impending disconnect, about which I wrote, fearing that the shallow research then going on, and likely to continue, coupled with relaxed demands for proof of performance, would lead to continuing wrong and widespread misinformation.
Now, the disconnect is no longer pending; it arrived un-announced, with no parade of noise and clatter, but with a muted, although hostile takeover, and has embedded itself in the fabric as fact while actually being folklore, in entrenched and stubborn ways. Myths which should have been shown to be such, are still being espoused as though they have merit, because, one assumes, it is easier to accept what the tendentious touts offer, than to pursue a study of the matter. Besides, why would 'experts or 'leaders' in the game offer you anything less than studied and documented 'facts' about lifting history or other claims?
Assertions that are claimed to be well documented, starve, lacking ANY evidence feeding them. When asked for proof, none of the supposed documentation surfaces even though the claims are widespread -and therefore you should assume them to be -it is implied- true.
One reason offered for letting sleeping dogs lie is that some of the men involved in these myths have died, so it would be disrespectful to highlight the erroneous lifts. What could be gained after all by exposing the devious deeds of dead men? How about truth- is that a worthy gain? If no false claims had been made, no corrections would be needed- it is that simple. Otherwise, if death can protect myths, then lift, commit suicide, and enter the record books, forever immune from question. We will honor you by remaining silent even when your claims scream for corrections, and when no lifter, even decades later can approach the city limits of your claimed strength.
The iron internet, which faced a Y in the road years ago, has too often chosen the wrong fork. Lifts which were never proven were mentioned often enough on so many sites that the combined repetition offered a false reality, as though repeating the parallel lines of error would at some future distance come to a provable point. But the point was simply to continue claiming that repetition was in fact proof, although it was of course only repetition at search-engine-strength.
A tabula rasa is an open slate, an empty tablet- an open mind, and the absence of these three qualities regarding our attitude in studying ironhistory, is what has plopped us into the mire in which we now find ourselves. Investigations should begin with a neutral mindset, then drive forward following evidence, until it is necessary to reverse course when supporting evidence cannot be found or runs dry. If along the journey conflicting evidence is found, or claimed support for a feat is shown to in fact be improvable, then the true student will incorporate such findings and refocus toward wherever the evidence, or lack of it, leads. He will NOT discover facts which change the common belief and then hide those facts, and he will not upon realization there is not now and never was any evidence for certain claims, silently allow the misconceptions to continue unchallenged.
This is a difficult undertaking which would send some claims to the undertaker. Or should.
Does it really matter who lifted how much decades ago? That is your decision from your point of view. But if it does not matter, then stay out of the argument. By jumping into the debate you imply it matters.
Now, what shall we say of those, who knowing that they are continuing to praise false lifts, offer no apology, or regret? We say they are shallow and pathetic. Why would anyone, in any field of study, deliberately continue to promote a false deed? Of course, money is one motive, but in the context of this situation, one wonders if more money would be made by telling the truth and realigning history. Perhaps another reason would be to save one's own reputation by keeping the facts hidden.
On one occasion, a man wrote to me to say (after reading some of my work) that he did not believe in 'revisionist' history- which he thought I was guilty of, having questioned a lift that had been world famous for half a century. I replied that I DO believe in revising written history IF it was reported incorrectly in the first place. Never revise away from truth, always revise toward truth. Of course, he offered no proof, just his opinion., and did not respond to my comment. Of such people I ask, 'Of what are you fearful- it is only truth?'
One tactic offered by those who cannot prove a lift, is to point to other, proven lifts by the same lifter, then assert that if he could hoist this much in lift A, then why couldn't he hoist a given amount in lift B? This question overlooks the fact that a question is not an answer. This ploy of ignoratio elenchi amounts to a smoke screen because the proven lifts are not in question but the unproven lifts are, and the further subterfuge that since lifter C was so much stronger than lifter D and we know lifter C managed a given amount in a certain lift, then surely you will agree that lifter D could lift a given percentage more. No I would not agree without proof, and even if I were inclined to agree my agreement proves nothing.
Frankly, it amuses me that such diaphanous detours have been afforded any merit at all, but they have been. After all, a given lifter may have been a 'good' man. Of course, good in this context if the lifter deliberately reported false lifts, must umbrella in the quality of lying, which seems, after all, to deflate the definition of good. We all compartmentalize out lives- good in some aspects, less honorable in others, and this is okay so long as we don't offer transfer passes from one to the other simply because good exists within us, and we want to mask the bad by reference to the good. Character matters, bad character splatters.
Another method used to maintain merit in unproven lifts is to attack the person asking for proof. How dare anyone suggest that what has been regaled for decades would not have a firm basis. But when proof of that firm basis is requested, the only thing forthcoming is fuming, or perhaps lies about the character of the questioner. If the questioner were indeed mostly, or even if possible ALL EVIL, the question is not! A lie whispered by a saint, or a lie via loudspeaker from the devil, remains a lie. Shouting against a question does not change the denouement. And to ascribe to a neutral investigator that he is trying to traduce a person by simply seeking truth shows more a paucity of proof, and a questionable character on the part of the angry man than an interest in knowing what really happened. Truth cannot be good or bad- actions can- but the truth of a matter is the essence of that matter and should be reported as is (or as was) without worry as to how the claimant will be judged if exposed.
So, let's drop the jejune jousting and try instead to impale the lies, thereby giving credit to the lifters who in reality can offer or have offered for them, verification that they indeed lifted what they claimed. What never happened, cannot be removed because it never existed- except in the minds of those too lazy to study. But at least we can stop maintaining that unproven lifts should share honor with proven lifts.
On my website, my members have corrected errors I have made- some errors have been simple typos, others have been more embarrassing to me because I should have known better, and in some cases did know better but slipped up anyway. When corrections are aimed at me, I do not perform a rain dance hoping to wash away any trace residue of my mistakes. I simply publicly thank the person correcting me, and move on, trying to remove the egg from my face, and make an attempt to do better. I defy anyone to locate an occasion wherein I have been corrected and had a response other than gratitude. When I correct my members I expect the same response because our common goal is truth. Anyone who knowingly fights truth should be so embarrassed from his brain churning that the inside of his forehead should be scorched. But that would require a conscience, which would not be present in people who at their core know they are lying, or furthering a lie.
Some people lie about their age. Why? Perhaps if you are in a given shape or condition at age 60, that same shape and condition would be more impressive if you claimed another decade of age? Some people claim to be stronger than they are, others claim to be older than they are. In either case, anyone who knows the truth and decides to conceal it - perhaps because having fallen for the trick age and publicly endorsed it, now has facial egg also, but rather than man-up and say oops, they bury (and therefore continue) the error. When such people are 'leaders' (please allow the poetic license) in the iron game the shame is - or should be- all the greater because of the power they have to spread falsity.
The lodestar of lifting should be to have and to maintain accurate records. Errors should be prevented, records should be substantiated before being accepted or publicized, but if later a mistake is found, simply say sorry, announce the correction and move on. Whether we will ever verify claims from a century ago is questionable, but it is unforgivable in the current realm of instant communication and cameras to not verify every major record lift of note.