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12/04/2003 Entry: "Dec 5, 2003"

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Letter from Charles A. Smith to Joe Roark, April 16, 1986

Thanks for your letter dated April 11th. Glad to see you made it home OK and imagined you'd be busy catching up with your notes and other important things.

PLEASE don't thank me for having you at my home. It was a quid pro quo in that you stayed with me and I got some good conversation- a rare commodity on the beach for me. I rarely talk to anyone but myself- but then in that case it's a change to talk to someone with sense.

Terry, by continually beating me with those two kettlebells has finally 'convinced' me I should go to the OT [old timers'] Bash. But I am still somewhat apprehensive lest I prove to be a drag, a hindrance, a nuisance and what ever other epithet you can think of.

It also seems that word has gotten out of my going. I had a long letter from Grimek OFFERING to PAY MY WAY UP AND BACK and saying how keen he was to meet up with me after thirty three years- it's been since Bill Pearl won the Mr. America [1953]. I of course thanked him for his mind thoughts and offer and declined.

Ed Jubinville also called and I spoke with him briefly. He too is agog with my going- can't figure our why he should be- and again it's been more than thirty years since I saw Ed. Vic Boff says he is keeping my coming as a surprise. I opined this was good since if he let the feline out of the sack they- the guests- might stay away in droves. Anyway, I am going and will clue you in as to who said what and to whom.

The other day I was wearing your T shirt at work and some young piece of slick skin said, 'Who's Joe Roark?' I told her you were a notorious criminal wanted by the FBI and Canadian Internal Security for selling nubile Eskimo Maidens to salacious Saudi Arabian Sheiks- try twisting that one around your sodding tongue a few fast times- and, what do you know- she DIDN'T BELIEVE ME. People just don't trust you anymore these days.

Had a letter from Leo Gaudreau and he says he knows nada about the NOCK name in Katie Sandwina's family tree. He did say that he met Katie once when she was with Ringling Brothers and B&B and gave her a shot of her husband she wanted but had been unable to get hold of. John Dawe also knows naught of Nock, Ditto Grimek who wants to be kept clued in if I turn anything up.

He also said that when Katie died her husband tried to sell York the Life Story of Katie� They asked to see it finding it to be naught but a big bunch of news clippings. They turned him down since they could have gone to any paper morgue and got the same stuff for free. They he asked them to give him three hundred bucks for the clippings and they said NAY. Loudly.

Got a call from Bob Kennedy the other day and he says that he just had the last issue of S&H poked under his door and it was pitiful. So it seems that the mag died not with a bang, but a whimper. Also said that not in the entire issue had the name of Hoffie been mentioned. As I remarked to you, it had become a flint that struck no sparks of inspiration.

Grimek also told me that Klein had gained back a bit of weight but that rumor has it that the malignancy has spread to his liver. So what happens from here on in is anyone's guess. I know the liver is about the only organ of the body with powers of regeneration, BUT�.

In the letter from Leo Gaudreau, he also mentioned that he had been a guest at Ben Weider's wedding. That Ben married a French-Canadian girl, the wedding being held in a SYNAGOGUE with both Jewish religionists and French Canadian Catholics being present. That Ben had also written to him later saying his wife had given birth to twin boys, that later on he had also written to say they were both now in college. I remember seeing one of them with Ben at the 1969 Mr. Something or other in Brooklyn when Vera and I were up there in 1969. The kid was around ten or so and a blond.

Have turned up more about McFadden's divorce from Jonni Lee. The poor old sod must have been driven up the wall by her. I never did care for the looks of her. She appeared to be a well traveled road.

Well, enjoyed your company and you are welcome ANY TIME. I'll write more when I have something to write about.

Oh, before I forget, XXX told me that this T. Derek Sobel is a NADA. That he buys awards and has them presented to him at various meets. The wonder of it all to me is why people go along with him and why they don't tell him to stuff his plaques where the monkey stuffed the coconuts.

Best of everything to you and yours,

See you at the forum at every day, and our next column here will be on Dec 12th!